- 1901 Colonial Ave in Ghent
- 4311 Colley Ave in North Colley
- (757) 627-6428
No dates needed for this bangin' party! Let's celebrate Valentine's Day with our buds all day, and then Karaoke...
It's Mardi Gras time. And it's Karaoke time. Together we get the biggest party in Ghent since ... forever. We'll...
It's time for you to show off your stuff. Karaoke is on at Cogans in Ghent every Wednesday and the 2nd Saturday...
It’s time for you to show off your stuff. Karaoke is on at Cogans in Ghent every Wednesday in April and also...
It's time for you to show off your stuff. Karaoke is on at Cogans in Ghent every Wednesday in March and also...
Come to OG on Saturday, Feb 11th, to celebrate your friends and the comfort they bring to your heart. We...
February Karaoke is back at OG! Think you got something to show? Check your junk at the door and step up to the mic....
January Karaoke is back at OG! Think you got something to show? Check your junk at the door and step up to the mic....
November Karaoke is back at OG! Think you got something to show? Check your junk at the door and step up to the mic....
October Karaoke is back at OG! Think you got something to show? Check your junk at the door and step up to the mic....
Looking for a fun day to stop by? Here’s your list of Cogans Specials for October. Visit us in Ghent and North...
Your corner Instant Art Bar is the punk-rock pizza shop with cheap beer and booze and equally cheap slices,...
Looking for a fun day to stop by? Here's your list of Cogans Specials for September. Visit us in Ghent and North...
Saturday Karaoke is back at OG! Think you got something to show? Check your junk at the door and step up to the mic....
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